Reflections on Father Dayle Casey

Father Dayle Casey, co-founder, friend, and advocate of Locally Haiti, passed away on Sunday, October 1st and his memorial service was held on October 14th at Grace Episcopal Church in Colorado Springs. He was a brilliant and deeply faithful man; an extraordinary preacher, thinker, and leader.

In 1981, Father Dayle Casey traveled to Haiti for the first time, joining a medical mission from the Diocese of Milwaukee to St. Peter’s Church in Mirabalais. Several years later, alongside Father Ed Morgan and Father Octave Lafontant, the Colorado Haiti Project was founded, and a partnership was formed between the community of Petit Trou de Nippes and Colorado. After 34 years of partnership, Father Dayle Casey’s legacy continues to inspire and impact locally-led initiatives in rural Haiti.

The text of the eulogy, given by the Rev. Paul Lautenschlager, and Father Dayle's obituary can be found in the links below.

Alyssa Herzog